Wireless Doorbell Full Range v Working Range

You are not going to get the full range from your wireless doorbell. Not even from the best wireless doorbell!

Sure, that doesn’t stop the sellers advertising the full range, though, does it! But why?

This article explains the difference between the full range and working range when it comes to what to expect from your wireless doorbell.


Wireless Doorbell Range Full v Working

When you are looking to buy a wireless doorbell, the sellers will always give you the range. This can be 300 feet +.

It sounds great when you see that some wireless doorbells work over 100 feet +, but will you actually see it working over that range?

That does not mean it will work over that range. It simply means it CAN work.

What you need to know is the working range. 


What Is The Full Range?

Simple, the full range is the longest distance your transmitter (push button) can be away from your receiver (chime), and it still works.

There is a caveat. This is with nothing at all in the way, except air! Absolutely nothing…..

This range is usually a lot more than you need. Take the Coolqiya Wireless Doorbell. It is advertised as having a range of 1000 feet, which is awesome, right?

Well..yes, but if you have a front door and literally nothing between that and the electric socket the chime is plugged into, that’s great!

Good for you.

My house (and I like to think most houses) has things that help keep the roof up. They are called walls! These walls are great for helping you keep dry and warm, but they do get in the way of wireless signals.

In our troubleshooting a wireless doorbell article, we discussed that the wireless signal is degraded each time it has to pass through an object before it gets to the receiver. The signal degradation can cause intermittent transmission issues.


What Is The Working Range?

This is the expected range your wireless Doorbell works with general house-type objects are in the way. You know, walls, fridges, TVs, kids, and a cat.

This is the distance you need to know, but how do you work it out if the seller doesn’t advertise it? More on that later, or you can jump to the section here.


What Objects Can Get In The Way Of A Wireless Doorbell Signal?


We have covered this already to a point. Walls are one of the two biggest enemies of a wireless signal.

The other being…..

Electrical Appliances

These items do not have to be large appliances either. The fact they are electrical means as the wireless signal passes through, it is going to weaken.

While we are on the subject, most internal walls are going to have cables running through them. This will decrease the strength of the signal.


The first challenge to the signal from your wireless doorbell is the door it is attached to! It is doubtful that you can do anything about it, though!

As the signal from your wireless Doorbell passes through the door, it will weaken, and if it needs to pass through more doors, it will weaken even more.


Floors or ceiling, however you look at it, there is still a chunk of wood/plaster/cement in the way of the wireless transmitter and the wireless receiver.

Each time it passed through a ceiling/floor, the wireless signal will be reduced, potentially causing intermittent connection issues.

Pipe Work

Pipework is usually made of copper, which is a metal.

Metal is a well-known blocker of wireless signals.


Can I Work Out The Operating Range?

Unless the seller specifically states the working range or the operating range, there are two ways to determine the working range.

1. Buy One

I know, it is a terrible idea! What if it doesn’t cover the area you need? What a waste of your hard-earned cash. Skip it………

2. Average It Out

You can find out the average full range of several doorbells, then find out the average working range and grab the percentage.

Luckily, we have already worked this out for you!

We took 30 wireless doorbell options, where the manufacturer specified both ranges. The average working range is just over 50%….50.49% to be exact!

So if you need a wireless doorbell that works over 500 feet, go for advertising a 1000 feet range. Then you get an extra 5.88 inches! Just what I always wanted.



You should always put a lot of thought into where you will place the receiver, otherwise known as the chime. It is self-evident where you need to put the transmitter, which will be very difficult to change!

Many things will interfere with any wireless signal (WiFi, Doorbell, Bluetooth Speaker, etc.), but we have detailed the most guilty!

Hopefully, you are reading this because you are interested, and not because you are having issues with your wireless doorbell, but if you are, then take a look at this troubleshooting article.

If you are looking for a long-range wireless doorbell, you should check out the Avantek D-3B as it has a full range of over 1300 feet!

Now, what is the operating range?

About Allwirelesshome.com

In one sentence: We are a team of individuals who collectively hate drilling holes and running wires throughout our homes! To combat this hatred towards wires, we only deal with wireless items for your home. From wireless doorbells to wireless security systems, there are products out there that are easy to install, easy to set up, and above all, there are no wires! Well, there might be some wires, mostly for power!